The Scottsbluff Public School District, Board of Education, and building and district leadership work hard to maintain a school budget that addresses the needs of all students while being good stewards of the taxpayer’s dollars. The annual Budget Hearing was held prior to the regular September Board of Education meeting, where the Board of Education adopted a budget that will result in a decrease of the General Fund levy and, ultimately, savings for Scottsbluff taxpayers. This marks the second year in a row that the District has decreased the levy and passed substantial savings onto the taxpayer.
The District’s budget is built through several funding sources with the highest percentage of the revenue coming from state aid. In addition to state aid, the school district collects funding through local taxes. In terms of dollars generated locally, 25% of the District’s budget reflects funds collected through local sources. The District has also generated and continues to maintain a healthy reserve in accordance with state requirements.
This year, revenue changes to the General Fund Budget include a decrease in State Aid alongside an increase in Special Education Reimbursement as a result of LB583.
 On the expenditure side of the budget, teaching and learning continue to be a top priority with nearly 70% of the budget being allocated to staff wages and benefits. A number of factors were taken into consideration when creating the budget including:
- Negotiated compensation increases for staff.
- Completion of ESSER III and the Federal School Climate Transformation Grant.
- SBPS School-Based Mental Health Grant, $6.3M, amortized over 5 years, will be in Year 3 in January 2025.
- Continued plan of modernization of elementary buildings.
- Annual contribution to depreciation for ongoing maintenance.
- The approved budget included a $0.18 decrease in the General fund budget.
- This summer, the District paid off a portion of the Bluffs Middle School Bonds, resulting in an additional $0.07 decrease in the levy.
- Combined, the decreases in the general, building, and bond fund levies will result in a savings of $255 for every $100,000 of valuation for Scottsbluff taxpayers.
- Priorities outlined in our five year Strategic Plan, such as our early childhood program expansion.
"The Board of Education's approval of a second consecutive year of a double-digit reduction in the levy is the result of their longstanding commitment to sound fiscal management and the increase in reimbursement of special education costs provided by the State of Nebraska," said Superintendent Dr. Andrew Dick. “When combined with last year, the Scottsbluff Public Schools levy has been reduced by nearly 40 cents, and the amount of money that will be asked for from the taxpayers is over $3.8 million dollars less than what was asked for in the 2023-24 school year. Scottsbluff Public Schools is pleased to be able to pass the savings on to our taxpayers."
 So how is this possible? With the newly approved District Strategic Plan guiding the allocation of resources, here are some examples of ways that Scottsbluff Schools manages the budget in order to maximize local tax dollars to meet the needs of all students:
• School-based budgeting – Significant resources are allocated at the building level giving each school the flexibility to meet the needs of its students and the ability to plan for long-term expenditures.
• Maintaining a low cost per pupil – Scottsbluff Public Schools’ cost per pupil continues to be one of the lowest in the state.
• Efficient, effective purchasing practices - The District utilizes a variety of purchasing practices including competitive bids, volume purchasing, inter-local agreements, and outsourcing of services in order to make the most of every dollar spent.
• Alternative revenue sources – Whether through state or federal programs, grants, state aid maximization, or partnering with the SBPS Foundation, the District is constantly exploring new and alternative revenue sources in order to lighten the burden of the local taxpayer.
• Community oversight – The District offers a variety of ways for citizens to offer input and provide oversight of the budget including; public budget hearings, Board of Education oversight through the Finance Committee, school-based budgeting, and public input on the ESSER Use of Funds Plan.
The budget includes seven schools and two preschool sites, special programs such as ReConnect, Sixpence, and the District's Family Success Center, special education services for all children who live in Scottsbluff attending public or private schools, birth to three services, necessary homeschooling, out-of-district placements, activities and associated travel, and facility maintenance among many other important obligations. SBPS is among the largest employers in western Nebraska with over 550 staff members.