5 Things for the New School Year
5 Things for Scottsbluff Famlies to Know for the New School Year
5. Bear Cub Preschool receives Grant for Expansion, Accepting Enrollments
The Scottsbluff Public Schools Bear Cub Preschool received a $155,000 Early Childhood Expansion Grant from the Nebraska Department of Education for the 2022-2023 school year. Funding from this grant was used to add an additional full-day preschool classroom and a second classroom was added which was funded by the District through the use of ESSER funds. With the addition of these classrooms, Bear Cub Preschool will be able to serve up to 180 students in 7 full-day classrooms and 2 half-day classrooms in two convenient locations in Scottsbluff. Due to this expansion, Bear Cub Preschool is still accepting enrollments. Interested parents can contact the Preschool at 308-635-6293.
4. SBPS Launches New and Improved District Website
This summer SBPS launched a new and completely redesigned district website. The new site is a custom redesign and includes more modern navigation, a design better suited for mobile devices, Google integration, and a fresh look and feel. Additional content and features will be added to the site in the coming months.
3. Safe Return to School Plan Updated
The SBPS Safe Return to School Plan has been updated and is available on the District website at https://www.sbps.net/families_and_students/families/prepare_for_school/safe_return_to_school_plan_2022-2023. The Safe Return to School Plan provides guidance on how Scottsbluff Public Schools will operate during the 2022-2023 school year. The SBPS Safe Return to School Plan is based upon input from district staff, and guidance from the local health department. Please take some time to review the plan, it will remain a dynamic document. Thank you in advance for your help in supporting the continued success of this effort.
2. SBPS Family Success Center launching new Family Engagement Trail Program in partnership with Arthur's Pizza
The Family Engagement Trail is a family and school-based activity map that incorporates family-friendly activities with school-centered tasks and district-wide opportunities. Once the minimum number of activities/tasks have been completed, parents or guardians will bring their "map" to the Family Success Center where they will receive a voucher to Arthur's Pizza for 1 large, single-
topping pizza and family-sized beverage. We are excited for the opportunity to meet the families of our school district and continue to strengthen the relationship our District has with its families and students. Arthur's Pizza has generously offered to exclusively partner with us on this adventure!
The Family Engagement Trail is open to families and households that have at least one student enrolled in Pre-K through 8th grade. Tasks must be completed by the end of the fall semester, 2022, and vouchers will be limited to one per family/ household.
1. Students at Lincoln Heights and Roosevelt Elementary to receive Free Meals regardless of income for the 2022-2023 School Year
Students at Lincoln Heights and Roosevelt Elementary school will receive all meals free regardless of income for the 2022-2023 School Year through the District's participation in the USDA's Community Eligibility Provision. Families at these schools do not need to complete the Free/Reduced Meals form in order to receive meals at no cost but can complete a paper form coming home at the start of school in order to access many student and family opportunities such as waivers of athletic and academic fees, instrument fees, student activity pass fees, required uniforms, sliding fees for the After School Program and more. Families with students at all other schools are encouraged to complete the Free/Reduced Meals application online via the Infinite Campus Parent Portal or the paper form coming home at the start of the school year.