BMS/SHS Conference Scheduler Now Open
BMS/SHS Conference Scheduler Now Open
Beginning October 16th BMS and SHS Parents can click the link to access PTC Wizard and schedule Parent-Teacher Conferences online. You will need an Infinite Campus Parent Portal account to schedule online. If you do not have a Parent Portal account email [email protected] for BMS or [email protected] for SHS for assistance.
Scottsbluff Public Schools will be using PTC Wizard, an online parent-teacher conferencing scheduler, at Bluffs Middle School and Scottsbluff High School for Fall 2023 Conferences. PTC Wizard offers parents an easy-to-use online scheduling system. With full visibility of all available meeting times for teachers and teams, scheduling convenient times becomes a breeze for parents. This secure system also prevents scheduling errors and ensures that conflicting appointments cannot be made.
The scheduling system will open on October 16 at 7:00 am and close on October 24 at 11:00 pm. Since online schedules can be accessed at any time, SBPS will not send home schedules and confirmation cards home with students attending these schools. For more information contact Tammy Harrison at SHS or Erin Shaddick at BMS.