Bear Cub Preschool receives Grant for Expansion, Two Additional Classrooms to be added
Bear Cub Preschool receives Grant for Expansion, Two Additional Classrooms to be added

The Scottsbluff Public Schools Bear Cub Preschool has received a $155,000 Early Childhood Expansion Grant from the Nebraska Department of Education for the 2022-2023 school year. Funding from this grant will be used to add an additional full day preschool classroom. Grant funds consist of $25,000 to fund start up costs as well as $130,000 for operational expenses such as teachers and paraprofessionals, furniture, classroom upgrades and supplies and playground equipment. The addition of a second full-day classroom will be funded by the District through the use of ESSER funds. With the addition of these classrooms, Bear Cub Preschool will be able to serve up to 180 students in 7 full day classrooms and 2 half day classrooms in two convenient locations in Scottsbluff. Additionally, the grant's approval will bring expanded early childhood opportunities to our community.
Bear Cub Preschool curriculum aligns with the Nebraska Early Learning Standards and Teaching Strategies GOLD, but is delivered through planned guided play and intentional small group instruction. The Bear Cub Preschool is currently accepting applications for the 2022-2023 school year. Applications are available at the preschool at 2512 2nd Avenue or online at