Team and Individual Results from District Math Counts Competition
State Qualifying Teams
38.00, 1st, Bluffs Middle School
(Wyatt Nerud, 8; William Croft, 6; James White, 6; Allison Aaberg, 6)
25.25, 2nd, Mitchell Jr. High
Additional Individual State Qualifiers
Ender Walker, 8, Bluffs Middle School
Caleb Clodfelter, 8, Bluffs Middle School
Henry Dueker, 8, Bayard Jr. High
Brian Roland, 8, Hemingford Jr. High
Individual Results
(78 total competitors)
1st, Ender Walker, 8
2nd, Wyatt Nerud, 8
4th, William Croft, 6
5th, Caleb Clodfelter, 8
7th, Stephanie Zhang, 7
8th, Katie Simmons, 6
9th, Sebastian Kissick, 8
11th, Zayne Wylie, 6
13th, Hannah White, 8
18th, James White, 6
19th, Allison Aaberg, 6
32nd, Lillian Hays, 7
In the 38 total individual questions, 3 or fewer questions separated places 7 through 19, with many ties resolved by a computer algorithm randomly selecting questions and comparing the students' results. The scores are far closer than the places might suggest.
Countdown Round (Math Bowl)
1st, Wyatt Nerud, 8
2nd, Ender Walker, 8
3rd, Henry Dueker, 8 (Bayard)
The 2024 Nebraska State MATHCOUNTS Contest will be held at Lincoln East High School on Saturday, March 16.
Additional Notes Highlighting Our Students' Efforts
- Bluffs Middle School has won the last five district titles dating back to 2019 and eight out of ten titles dating back to 2015.
- A Bluffs Middle School student has been the Western Nebraska District Individual Champion 9 of the past 10 years.
- We will be taking 15 BMS girls to Omaha Marian High School to compete at the Omaha Marian All Girls Math Contest.
- We will be taking 16 BMS students to UNL Math Day on February 19th and February 20th to compete against Nebraska high schools in Math Bowl and Team Problem Solving competitions.
-Wyatt Nerud, 8, is currently ranked #11 among all high school students in Nebraska after the PROBE I exam competition. The PROBE 2 Scholarship Competition Exam will be held on February 20th.