Dr. Bree Rock selected to lead Early Childhood Programs

Scottsbluff Public Schools is proud to announce that Dr. Bree Rock has been named Principal of Bear Cub Preschool for the 2023-2024 school year.
Dr. Rock received a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice and a Master of Arts in Secondary Education from the University of Nevada, Reno, as well as Doctorate of Educational Leadership from the University of Wyoming. Rock has been the Assistant Principal at Bluffs Middle School since 2018. Prior to that, she spent 11 years teaching Spanish in the District. Dr. Rock brings a wealth of experience to the position including serving as a Building Assessment Coordinator, Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Coordinator, a mentor for incoming first year teachers, and High Ability Learning program coordinator. This position oversees all aspects of Early Childhood programming in the District including Bear Cub Preschool and the Sixpence Birth to Three program.
“It is an honor and a privilege to have the opportunity to lead and work alongside an amazing team of early childhood educators,” said Rock. “I look forward to working with staff, families, and the community to ensure students have a nurtured first step in their education at SBPS.”
“Dr. Rock's demonstrated leadership skills, commitment to ongoing professional learning, and dedication to the work we do as educators allowed her to emerge as the top selection,” Dr. Andrew Dick, SBPS Superintendent said. “We are excited to see where Dr. Rock's leadership will take our already successful and growing early childhood programs.”
Dr. Rock will succeed Principal Jodi Benson who has announced her retirement as of the end of the 2022-2023 school year. Bear Cub and Sixpence staff members provided feedback and participated in the selection process. The SBPS Board of Education is slated to approve the appointment of Rock at the February Regular Meeting.