Scottsbluff Public Schools Awarded $520,000 in Grants to Support Preschool Expansion and Safety and Security
On May 3rd, the Nebraska Department of Education awarded two grants to Scottsbluff Public Schools totaling $520,000 including the Early Childhood Expansion Grant and the School Safety and Security-Related Infrastructure Grant.
“We are thrilled to be awarded these two grants from the Nebraska Department of Education,” said Dr. Andrew Dick, Superintendent. “The funds received from these grants will support important projects aligned with our District's Strategic Priorities and help us to continue to provide a high-quality education for Every Child, Every Day.”
Funding received from the Early Childhood Expansion will be used to add two additional preschool classrooms which will be temporarily housed in the District’s 81 Building, near Bearcat Stadium, until which time Bear Cub Preschool is relocated to the former SWBC Building. Grant funds consist of $50,000 to fund start-up costs as well as $260,000 for operational expenses such as teachers and paraprofessionals, furniture, classroom upgrades, supplies, and playground equipment. With the addition of this classroom, Bear Cub Preschool will be able to serve up to 196 students ages 3-5 in 9 full-day classrooms and 1 half-day classroom in two convenient locations in Scottsbluff. Best of all, this project will ensure that the Bear Cub Preschool receives funding for up to one-half of the total operating budget of the project per year on a continuing basis (subject to availability of funds). Additionally, the grant's approval will foster a continuing relationship with Head Start and ESU 13 and bring expanded early childhood opportunities to our community. Bear Cub Preschool is currently accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year. Applications are available at the preschool at 2512 2nd Avenue or online at www.sbps.net/preschool.
The purpose of the $210,000 School Safety and Security-Related Infrastructure Grant is to provide funding to school districts for security-related infrastructure projects that utilize the four pillars of School Safety & Security; Prevention, Preparedness, Response, & Recovery. Funds received from this grant will be used for the construction of a secure vestibule for Westmoor Elementary as part of the ongoing Elementary Modernization Project.
Including this recently received award, SBPS has received over $12M in competitive grant funding over the past six years. Additional competitive grants received by the District include the Sixpence Grant for Early Childhood Education, the 21st Century Community Learning Centers After School Program Grants at all in-town elementary schools, additional expansion grants for Bear Cub Preschool, Federal School Climate Grant funds received districtwide, the School-Based Mental Health Grant, the Nebraska Educator Shortage Grant, and the Innovation Grant received for Career Academies at Scottsbluff High School.