Dear SBPS Families,
We were alerted by the Nebraska Information Analysis Center of a national social media trend of individuals posting they “heard rumors” of planned violence taking place at schools across the nation on Friday, December 17. Scottsbluff Public Schools and Scottsbluff Police Department have not received any specific reports targeting our schools. SBPS continues to work closely with local law enforcement to fully investigate any reports or concerns and during this time we will remain especially vigilant with an increased police presence monitoring our schools.
We are encouraging everyone to report any concerning behavior that raises suspicion or concern to a staff member at your student's school, the Scottsbluff Police Department, or through the See It, Say It, Send It app.
All comments made regarding school violence are taken seriously, even those made “as a joke”. Each report is investigated fully, subject to a formal threat assessment process, and students can face school and legal consequences for making threatening comments or statements online or in person.
We also understand there is currently a heightened awareness of threats - both on social media and in the public conversation which may cause anxiety and stress for students. If your child needs additional support, please do not hesitate to contact your school.
Schools should be a safe place for every student and staff member, and this is one of our top priorities. Thank you for your partnership in ensuring a safe school community for our students and staff.
Dr. Andrew Dick, Superintendent