Lukas Benzel selected as Longfellow Elementary Principal for the 2022-2023 School Year

Scottsbluff Public Schools is proud to announce that Lukas Benzel has been named Principal of Longfellow Elementary for the 2022-23 school year. Benzel received a Bachelor's Degree in Music Education from Chadron State College and a Master's Degree in Educational Administration from Chadron State College. Benzel has been the Assistant Principal at Westmoor Elementary since 2018. Prior to that, he spent 10 years as Westmoor's Music Instructor. Lukas brings a wealth of experience to the position including serving on the District Accreditation Committee, a teacher recruiter for the District, Title I review committee member, curriculum selection committee member, and middle school coach.
“I am humbled and honored to have the opportunity to lead Longfellow Elementary,” said Benzel. “As a longstanding citizen of the community, I have witnessed the outstanding reputation of the staff, students, and parents at Longfellow. I look forward to working closely with the Longfellow community to continue the many great things already happening and truly keeping the Scottsbluff Public Schools motto of "Every Child, Every Day" at the forefront of all of our decisions."
“This was not an easy decision as we interviewed several qualified, talented candidates,” said Dr. Andrew Dick, SBPS Superintendent. “In the end, Lukas' commitment to supporting and developing staff, focus on helping each and every child grow, and dedication to the work we do as educators allowed him to emerge as the top selection.”
Benzel will succeed Principal Laurie Bahl who has announced her retirement as of the end of the 2021-2022 school year. Longfellow staff members and parents provided feedback and participated in the selection process. The SBPS Board of Education is slated to approve the appointment of Benzel at the February Regular Meeting.