Board Adopts Changes to Elementary Boundaries
Board Adopts Changes to Elementary Boundaries
Posted on 01/16/2025
The Board of Education approved changes to elementary attendance area boundaries effective with the 2025-2026 school year. In order to accommodate the growing demand for Early Childhood education, four classrooms at Roosevelt Elementary had previously been dedicated to Bear Cub Preschool. With the purchase of the SBPS Education Center, all Preschool classrooms will be relocated to the newly renovated facility, creating capacity at Roosevelt. After a review by District staff and a presentation at all five elementary schools for parents, two areas were identified for recommended changes. In both cases, families with enrolled students can keep them in the school they are currently attending or transfer to their new attendance area school. The images below show the approved changes, with the current boundary being shown on the dotted line and the newly approved boundary being shown on the solid line.

East Boundary Changes:
- The Early Childhood Program Relocation to the SBPS Education Center creates capacity at Roosevelt.
- Shifting the boundary will help fill capacity at Roosevelt while positioning Longfellow for growth based on current housing trends.
- Currently, 31 students in the identified area already attend Roosevelt Elementary, while another 28 would have the option to move or to stay at Longfellow.
West Boundary Changes:
- Currently, a majority of affected students already attend Westmoor, while 4 students would be eligible to move to Westmoor or stay at Lincoln Heights.
- Westmoor is the geographically closer elementary school for the impacted areas.
In the coming weeks, elementary school staff will contact families in the impacted areas in order to ensure parents are aware and to determine if the affected students will stay in their existing school or move to their new attendance area school.