Two Competitions were held: Culinary, and Restaurant Management
Culinary: Teams prepare a 3 course meal in 60 minutes with two butane burners and NO electricity. Seven teams total competed, top three selected to advance to Omaha to compete for the top spot.
Scottsbluff teams:
Chef Hunter & the Spice Girls
Hunter Howlett
Alyssa Mendoza
Elli Eichner
Priscila Martinez
The Wonky Waffles
Jacob Chavarria
Avery Pedotto
Abigail Parker
Manager Charley Edens
Team Half and Half
Kris Martinez
Aimee Sanchez
Adana Barron
Manager Danara Abshire
Not present at competition: Drew Benton
Prizes for culinary:
Wonky Waffles: Best of Beef, Best Menu, Best Entree, Top Three
Chef Hunter and the Spice Girls: Best of Pork, Top Three
Half and Half: Best use of Dry Beans
Restaurant Management Competition: teams write a business plan for a restaurant concept and present it Shark Tank style to industry professionals. Five teams competed total.
Flights: Hunter Howlett, Priscila Martinez, Elli Eichner, Alyssa Mendoza
Wonky Waffles: Jacob Chavarria, Abigail Parker, Avery Pedotto
Black Bear Bistro: Kris Martinez, Aimee Sanchez, Adana Barron, Drew Benton (not present for state)
Management Results:
1st Place: Flights- going to Nationals in Washington, DC (Best Concept, Best Interior Design, Best Marketing Tactics)
2nd Place: Wonky Waffles (Best Overall Marketing)
3rd Place: Black Bear Bistro (Best Critical Thinking)
Hannah Liptac was named the 2023 ProStart Educator of the Year.