Homecoming Week is October 16-21. This year's theme is "The Bearcat Eras Tour"
The parade will be on Monday, October 16th, beginning at 6:00 PM. We will have groups begin lining up at 5:30 PM behind the Star Herald building on 15th Street.
The Homecoming Super Rally will follow in the SHS main gym at approximately 6:45 PM with the band, teacher dance, drill team, cheerleaders, competition of the classes, recognition of fall activities, and finally the crowning of 2023 Homecoming Royalty.
Homecoming week dress-up days at SHS:

Monday 10/16: "Endless Summer" - Beach attire
Tuesday 10/17: "Cardigan" - Wear your favorite cardigan sweater
Wednesday 10/18: "You Were Made for Me" - Dress like Barbie and Ken
Thursday 10/19: "Red" - Wear Red
Friday 10/20 - No School - Student Section theme TBD GO BEARCATS!!
The football game vs., Lexington will be Friday, October 20th, and Homecoming Royalty will be introduced at halftime of the game.

The Homecoming Dance will be held Saturday, October 21st in the SHS Commons from 8:00 - 10:30 PM Students must be in good standing to attend and tickets will be pre-sold the week of the dance, $5 per person. Out-of-school dance forms will be available in the SHS main office.