2024 University of Nebraska - Omaha Math Contest
Scottsbluff High School Math Team earned its fifth consecutive Gauss Division championship at the University of Nebraska-Omaha Math Contest on Friday, October 11th, 2024. Dr. Darren Holley, a UNO Mathematics faculty member, organizes the annual contest. Twenty-three high schools competed at the event. Complete results appear below.
Gauss Division (Small School) Team Results
(Rank, School, Multiple Choice, Free Response, Team, Total)
1st Scottsbluff 25.2 18.0 24 67.2
2nd Elkhorn South 24.0 19.0 12 55.0
3rd Elkhorn High 17.6 13.0 24 54.6
4th Elkhorn North 10.7 18.3 0 29.0
5th Lincoln Pius X 15.0 4.0 8 27.0
Multiple Choice Exam Place Winners by Grade Level
9th Grade
1st, Wyatt Nerud
3rd, William Croft (7th grader)
5th, Stephanie Zhang (8th grader)

10th Grade
1st, Josiah Bruner
4th, Joseph Jolliffe

11th Grade
1st, Landen Heine
2nd, Logan Polk
3rd, Kaidenz McDaniel
4th, River Baily-Nolde
5th, Harrison Maser

12th Grade
1st, AJ Gass
4th, Lilian DeWitt

Free Response Exam Place Winners by Grade Level
9th Grade
1st, Wyatt Nerud
3rd, Paityn Heine
4th, Declan Long (6th grader)

10th Grade
3rd, Parker Marlow
4th, Josiah Bruner

11th Grade
1st, Landen Heine
3rd, Logan Polk
5th, Jacob Green

12th Grade
5th, AJ Gass

School Record NINE Top 50 Qualifiers
11th, Landen Heine, 11
17th, Wyatt Nerud, 9
20th, Logan Polk, 11
22nd, Kaidenz McDaniel, 11
28th, River Baily-Nolde, 11
31st, Jacob Maser, 11
36th, Harrison Maser, 11
40th, Jacob Green, 11
43rd, Josiah Bruner, 10

40th Annual Soifer Mathematical Olympiad at UCCS
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Friday, October 4th, 2024
SHS Math took 20 students to the 40th Annual Soifer Mathematical Olympiad on October 4th, 2024. Twelve of our students earned recognition for their performance.
1st Honorable Mention
Kaidenz McDaniel, 11
2nd Honorable Mention
Lillyana Abshire, 11
Aiden Argo, 11
River Baily-Nolde, 11
Jacob Green, 11
Landen Heine, 11
Joseph Jolliffe, 10
Declan Long, 6
Jacob Mark, 11
Wyatt Nerud, 9
Logan Polk, 11
Capria Rogers, 12
All students were awarded 40th anniversary medallions for competing in the contest. Other participating Scottsbluff students were: Allison Aaberg, 7; Amara Alsidez, 8; Amorytzia Castillo, 7; William Croft, 7; Sebastian Kissick, 9; Hannah White, 9; James White, 7; Stephanie Zhang, 8.