Join the Booster Club!
We're fortunate to have a great group of folks who have become members of the Booster Club and who have volunteered to serve in various roles. We meet once per month at the high school and I INVITE YOU to become a member of a club that for over 30 years has helped to provide funds for track, cross country, drill team, basketball, wrestling, yearbook, band, choir, speech team, FCCLA, HOSA, prom, Chenille Letters for Letter winners, scholarships, Booster Awards for outstanding students in each activity and sport, and many more. Look for our tailgate picnics before home football games and our Spirit Wear sales as ways for you to show your Bearcat Pride. We value your participation, input and ideas and hope that you'll accept the invitation to join us. Simply fill out the application on this page and turn it in to the SHS Activities Office so that we can include you and keep you up to date on all of our activities.
Please contact me at [email protected] with any questions or thoughts that you would like to share, and I thank you for your consideration.
Good luck to all, and GO BEARCATS !
Jill Wineman Scottsbluff Booster Club
Membership Application
Booster Club Membership Application
Booster Club Donation
Booster Club Membership Donation
How We Support Activities
The Scottsbluff Booster Club funds a wide variety of activities and projects that benefit students. Here are some examples of recent projects the Booster Club helped make possible:
HOSA Uniforms - The Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) SHS chapter was established in the 2014-15 school year. HOSA is an international student organization whose mission is to promote career opportunities in the health care industry and to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people. In 2016, several students qualified to attend the National competition, which requires competitors to wear official HOSA attire. The Booster Club assisted HOSA with the purchase of HOSA uniforms, which will be retained by the SHS HOSA club for future use.
BMS Band Trip - The 8th Grade Concert Band attended the Music in the Parks Festival in Denver, Colorado in the Spring of 2016. The Band earned 1st Place Class A, Best Overall Junior High/Middle School Concert Band, and the "Esprit de Corps" Award. This marks the 10th consecutive Superior rating and 3rd consecutive "Esprit de Corps" Award for BMS in this competition. The Booster Club assisted the Band with their travel expenses.

SHS Drill Team Uniforms and Props - The SHS Drill Team has been performing at athletic events and activities since their inception in 1970. Their signature high kicks and fight song routine are always crowd pleasers! The Booster Club assisted with the purchase of new uniforms and new red hoops when the team expanded to 18 members.

Boys and Girls State Basketball Radio Advertising - The Booster Club purchased advertising to congratulate both teams on earning a bid to the 2016 Nebraska State High School Basketball Tournament

Sport Medals - Each year, The Booster Club recognizes 3 sport letter winners with medals and 3 sport participants with T-shirts.
Sound System - The speakers in the SHS gymnasium were overdue for an upgrade, so The Booster Club funded a new sound system. Enjoy!
Tennis Racquets for Boys and Girls Tennis - The Booster Club assisted the Tennis Team with the purchase of racquets. The racquets are available for team members to rent and are retained by the team for future players to use.
FCCLA - The Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) SHS chapter was established in the 1960s. FCCLA is the only in-school student organization with the family as its central focus. FCCLA is a career and technical student organization that functions as an integral part of the Family and Consumer Sciences education curriculum focusing on character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, practical knowledge, and career preparation. In the fall of 2015, The Booster Club assisted the FCCLA chapter with the purchase of polo shirts which are the official dress required by students to compete at District, State, and National competitions. The shirts are retained by the chapter to be used by future members.

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