As a district, we are blessed to have two newer facilities. Our middle and high schools are soon to become the finest 6-12 facilities in the state. Bluffs Middle School, while originally constructed in 1912 as our high school, was completely remodeled in 2009. Scottsbluff High School underwent a transformative renovation completed in 2018 making 80% of the school new construction. While we are privileged to have our two newer schools, we also recognize that our schools are a treasure. Our elementary schools represent our older treasures and are currently undergoing a modernization.

Lincoln Heights Elementary- Built in 1922
Roosevelt Elementary- Built in 1939
Longfellow Elementary- Built in 1940
Westmoor Elementary- Built in 1959
Lake Minatare Elementary- Built in 1962
The average age of our elementary schools may be in excess of 71 years old however, whereas so many school districts nationally are struggling with deteriorating buildings, the older elementary schools in the district are truly gems - standing straight and sturdy - not by accident, not easily, and certainly not unnoticed. The good, although not perfect, condition of these buildings is reflective of many years of thoughtful maintenance and repairs by our Board of Education, our district administration team, and carried out by our facility management team.