Message from the Director of Technology
David Davis, Director of Technology
In the world we live in today it is almost impossible to go about our daily tasks without the use of some type of technology. We learn to rely on this technology for almost everything we do. This is true in all the aspects of our life except in our educational system. Technology has moved forward much faster than most schools can keep up with. With school finances always a challenge and technology that keeps changing, most educational institutions have fallen behind. At Scottsbluff Schools we have made the commitment to our students and our patrons to not be left behind but to strive to provide relevant, proven and new technology to our students so they can gain the needed skills and experience they will need to be successful in all their endeavors after leaving our school.
Technology News
Helpful Links
Bandwidth Upgrade
In an effort to keep our students "up to speed", Scottsbluff Schools IT department upgraded both our Internet Firewall and our Internet connections over the summer. This increase in speed and capacity will allow our students, teachers, and staff quicker connections to the Internet providing for increased access and enriched classroom experiences.

Contact IT Department
Please contact the IT department for requests via:

for other inquires please use the following address and phone number
Scottsbluff Public Schools District Office
1722 First Avenue
Scottsbluff, NE 69361
Important Documents
SBPS Chromebook Handbook
SBPS Chromebook Handbook
Responsible Use Agreement
Responsible Use Agreement (RUA)
Technology in the Classroom
Scottsbluff Public Schools believes integrating technology in the classroom leads to enriching experiences that will increase student engagement, enhance individual learning and growth, create active learners, and encourage collaboration as well as many other benefits.
The main goals of the Device Assisted Learning Initiative (DALI) include:
- Student Learning: Improve learning for all students through engaging experiences that embed technology across all curricular areas.
- Effective Teaching: Educators will embed technology in their instructional practice to facilitate high levels of student engagement and learning.
- Support for Teaching & Learning: Technology is routinely used to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of instructional processes.
- Resources for Teaching & Learning: Effectively and efficiently align instructional resources with technology.